I don’t feel it is appropriate for me to help and advise others on being organised, when I am not completely organised myself. So I have been spending some time this month getting my own house in order, so to speak.
This time, from a technology point of view, so I have been getting my own ‘files’ in order really. Getting myself sorted, ticking things off a list that I had noted down over a period of a few months. A list of things that needed doing, but instead of dedicating the time required at the time, I put them off. So before these incomplete tasks start to impact my effectiveness and efficiency I have been getting on top of them.
My DropBox folder structure wasn’t quite working for me any longer, that is now updated and sorted. The same with my email folders, they were set-up a while ago, and needed a little bit of updating and re-filing. So too were some of the personal folders on my OneDrive – they needed to be more logically organised.
As things change, so my filing structure needs to change to reflect changes in life, needs, clients, work, projects etc.
This is not to mention the declutter that was required …. So it wasn’t just a case of filing things appropriately, but ensuring I’m not storing unnecessary files, taking up valuable storage space that in some cases I am paying for.
Whilst sorting out I found duplicate files, caused due to an illogical and outdated folder structure, now decluttered.
These days it’s quite easy to sort our files, as most file storage is in the cloud. So accessible from our varying devices and even when you are on the go. This is often where I find myself with a few minutes to spare, which I can use to sort things like this out, once I have a plan and a structure in place.
My Downloads folder on my laptop had a few files in it, and I like to keep this clear. It’s very easy to leave files in your Downloads folder when you are finished for the day. These files should either be deleted or filed in the appropriate folder, so they can be found at a later date when needed.
It really was time well spent, as I feel much more organised now. If sorting out your on-line file storage is something you think I can help with, why not get in touch.